Yes, you can, under certain circumstances. Many people have a "youthful indiscretion" in their past that may be interfering with their ability to get a job or security clearance. These may have been things like:
- Simple assault (they got into a fight where no one was seriously hurt)
- Shoplifting or some other petty theft
- Had a drag race down the street with your buddies
- Got caught with some pot in your pocket; or
- Went streaking
The good news is that many times they can be erased or "expunged."
What Are the Requirements?
New Jersey has disorderly and petty disorderly persons offenses (what other states would call "misdemeanors") that can be wiped out under certain circumstances. This is done through a "petition for expungement" if you meet the following requirements:
- It has been at least five years from the date of your conviction, or the date on which the sentence was completed, whichever is later;
- An expungement may be obtained after 3 years if you have not been convicted of any subsequent offenses and the court finds that expungement is in the public interest given your character and conduct;
- You have not been convicted of any prior or subsequent crime in any state; and
- You have not had more than three disorderly or petty disorderly persons offenses.
Expungements are great, but there are limits. You can have up to three of these wiped out.
So What Do I Do?
Petitions for expungement can be very helpful, but they are not something you should try on your own. If you are looking to expunge some arrests and/or convictions in your past that occurred in the Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Salem or Cumberland County, area, have decided that you need an expungement and are ready to take action, then click on this link to schedule a call with me. Don’t let your past hold you back from a better future!
If you are not sure you are ready to hire a lawyer, but want more information, then download my free book, What Everyone Should Know About Getting a NJ Expungement to get the answers you're looking for!
Want to see if you are even eligible for an expungement? Take the quiz to the right and see!
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