In today’s troubled economy, many college graduates face a situation where they cannot afford their student loan payments or are in default. You went to school in an effort to earn a good living. Although you want to be able to pay back the student loans that allowed you to get the education you need, salaries are low, and the job market is less than optimistic. This can cause you significant stress; you feel overwhelmed by the challenge of paying back your student loan debt.
Loan Consolidation Can Help!
One option used by many people who have federal loans is a consolidation. This is like a refinance, and it can help by getting you out of default or allowing you to negotiate a better repayment plan. Here are two of the circumstances where this debt relief plan may be able to help you:
1.Your current loan does not qualify for certain payment plans.
2.You have defaulted on your federal student loan and want to get out of default.
If either of these circumstances sounds similar to yours, you need the help of a student loan attorney. Through consolidation, you may be able to get you out of default on your student loans, or negotiate a better repayment plan. If you qualify for consolidation, you will benefit your immediate and long term financial status.
So What Do I Do?
If you live in the Gloucester County, New Jersey, area, are struggling with payment on federal student loan debt, and are ready to take action to find a solution, then call me today at 856-432-4113 to schedule an appointment in my Woodbury office. I may be able to be of assistance.
If you would like more information about student loans, you can dowload my free book, I Graduated; Now What? A Guide to Dealing with Your Student Loans.
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