The whole point of filing bankruptcy is to get a fresh start. I call it “hitting the financial reset button.” However, the bankruptcy discharge that wipes out your debt is only the first step in getting that fresh start.
Just like a diet, once you have lost the weight you have to keep it off. Once you have lost the debt, you have to keep from incurring more.
So what do you do? In a diet you would change your eating habits; post bankruptcy, you must change your spending and overall financial habits. Here are some tips.
- Create a Budget.
- Save Some Money for a Rainy Day.
- Be Frugal.
- Plan for the Future.
- Treat Yourself.
These tips are hardly exclusive, but they make the point that your financial life has to change after your discharge. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. Here is some more information on these tips.
For more information, check out the links below on cutting expenses and repairing your credit. The work isn’t over once your discharge comes in, but the work you continue to do will pay off!