There are many sources of funds that are protected from levy under New Jersey law. One of those sources is unemployment benefits! If you are receiving it by direct deposit into your account, and it is levied upon, then you need to object immediately to get it released!
Objecting to the levy in most county courts in New Jersey is a simple matter of filing a form and paying a fee (if you are initiating an objection by motion, rather than objecting to the creditor’s motion to release the fund to them). If you have moneys from unemployment benefits tied up in that levy, it is crucial that you proceed with this as soon as possible!
If you have had your bank account levied here in New Jersey, and that account contains unemployment benefits, then you need to download my free NJ Bank Levy Survival Kit immediately and get it filed with the court! That money needs to be released as soon as possible!
Want more information on how to fight back with your creditors? The Biggest Secrets Your Creditors Don't Want You to Know. Become empowered and protect your rights!