There's a secret to getting money out of a bank levy that creditors don't want you to know and hope that you don't find out! This is because if you don't have a lot of money in your accounts, then they can't get to it!
Find Out the Secret to Keeping Your Money!
What your creditors don’t want you to know is that New Jersey allows you to exempt up to $1,000 from the levy! That’s right, if you assert this right with the court, the creditor has to give you back levied funds up to $1,000! But because people don’t know this, they lose money to creditors that they could have gotten back!
Many people in financial difficulty do not maintain a lot of money in their bank accounts, so it is often the situation where the creditor has levied on less than $1,000, and has to give all of it back if you object.
How Do I Get the Money From the Levy
Luckily, if you have fallen victim to a bank levy, you can petition the court to get this money back by downloading and using my NJ Bank Levy Survival Kit. It includes a form objection that you can fill out along with instructions on filing it. It will take a couple weeks or so for you to get in front of a judge, but it can be well worth it in getting the money back!
Want more information on how to fight back with your creditors? Then download my free book, The Biggest Secrets Your Creditors Don't Want You to Know. Become empowered and protect your rights!
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