An Experienced New Jersey Bankruptcy Attorney Shares Where it All Began
In this video clip you will hear how New Jersey attorney Steven J. Richardson started practicing law. Learning of an attorney’s background and experience are important elements to consider when hiring an attorney for your legal matter. Attorney Steven J. Richardson has been practicing law since 1985. He started out working at a collection law firm, collecting debt. After he learned how the collection part of things worked, he turned around and started helping people struggling with debt. In 1992, he opened his bankruptcy practice which allows him to use what he knew about collection and help his clients get their life back on track through bankruptcy. The attorneys at the Law Office of Steven J. Richardson also work with the municipal courts. They have been able to assist many people with their speeding tickets and careless driving tickets. The experienced New Jersey traffic violation attorneys can help minimize your fines and help you avoid a license suspension. If you need legal advice regarding bankruptcy or traffic violations, call our office at (856) 686-9910 or visit our website at to view our blogs, tips and legal information.
Bankruptcy, Collections, Student Loan, DUI and Traffic Court attorney in Woodbury, NJ.