In New Jersey, points for speeding are assigned as follows:
- 1-14 mph over the limit: 2 points
- 15-29 mph over the limit: 4 points
- 30+ mph over the limit: 5 points
Maryland has a different point scale:
- 1-9 mph over the limit: 1 point
- 10-29 mph over the limit: 2 points
- 30+ mph over the limit: 5 points
- 20+ mph over the 65 mph speed limit: 5 points
Points are increased to 3 if there was an accident involved, 5 if an accident where you were traveling 20+mph in a 65mph zone. The danger, however, is on the freeways. Let’s say you are going 25mph over the limit on the New Jersey Turnpike. Since the limit is 65pmh, in New Jersey it would be 4 points, but in Maryland it would be 5.
So What Do I Do?
If you are a Maryland driver that has received a ticket in southern New Jersey you should contact me for a free consultation regarding your ticket to see what strategy works best for you. Most matters can even be resolved without you appearing, so you can save the expense of traveling to New Jersey.
If you have more questions on New Jersey's traffic laws, then download my free book, A Guide to Driving Legally in NJ, and Surviving Traffic Court If You Don't.