Your personal finances are never "set it and forget it." Even if you have set up a budget, have autopay on your bills, and a good retirement savings strategy, you still need to check in periodically to be sure that your financial ship is sailing in the right direction.
That's why in this episode of the podcast I wanted to talk about how to do a mid-year checkup. You need to do this now (better yet every quarter) to make sure that your financial ship doesn't need a course correction.
In this episode, you will learn:
- Why a Mid-Year Checkup is Important
- The Importance of Tax Planning Now
- How Reviewing Your Budget at the Halfway Point Helps
- About Reviewing Your Net Worth
Links & Resources
- Tips for a mid-year financial checkup (U.S. Bank)
- Annual Insurance Review Checklist (U.S. Bank)
- 7 Steps To A Mid-Year Financial Checkup (GreenState Credit Union)
- Making the Most of Your Mid-Year Financial Checkup (Lending Club)
- Where to get the best returns on your savings when rates are high (CNN Business)
If you enjoyed this episode, you might also like:
- Episode 72: Choosing the Right Budget for You
- Episode 47: Preparing Your Budget
- Episode 95: Educational Savings Accounts with Michael Karwic
- Episode 42: Using a 529 Plan to Save for Your Children's Education
- Episode 127: Paying Off Debt While Making Money
- Episode 20: Making a Plan for Paying Your Debts
- Episode 73: Understanding How Credit & Credit Scores Work
- Episode 27: Building and Maintaining Good Credit
- Episode 37: The Importance of Having an Independent Insurance Agent
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