Episode 88 - Should You Get the Apple Credit Card?One of the big announcements that came out of Apple’s Worldwide Developer’s Conference in June was that they were issuing their own credit card, in partnership with Goldman Sachs. Lots of great features were detailed, and a sleek, modern design for the card was revealed. 

But now that the card is generally available in the United States, the question becomes, should you get one? Are all of the features that were announced worth it? Is it for you or should you look to get another card (assuming you are looking for one)? That’s why in this episode of the podcast I wanted to talk about the pros and the cons, and help you to decide whether the Apple Card is right for you.

In this episode you will learn:

  • The Features of the Card
  • How to Get One
  • Who Should Get One
  • Who Shouldn't Get One
  • The Alternatives to the Apple Card
  • How the Apple Card Helps You Achieve and Maintain Financial Freedom


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Steven J. Richardson
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Bankruptcy, Collections, Student Loan, DUI and Traffic Court attorney in Woodbury, NJ.