There have been some developments in the past several months regarding your credit and your student loans if you have them. When these sorts of developments are released, it is important that people find out about it, as it often gets shouted down by all the other things that the media is talking about.
That is why, in this episode of the podcast, I am starting a new feature where I discuss and analyze important developments that could affect your financial freedom, so they are not lost to you in the noise created by the latest political scandal. Here are two stories that could well affect you and your financial future: one on your credit score, and one on federal student loans.
In this episode, you will discover:
- Why NJ judgments and tax liens have been removed from your credit report
- How this could affect your credit score
- Congress' increased funding of Pell Grants through September 30, 2018
- Increased funding for public service loan forgiveness, work-study programs, and Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants
Links & Resources
- Student Loan Hero Web Site
- What is a Pell Grant?
- What is the Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant Program?
- What is the Work-Study Program?
- USA Today Article
- The Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program
- Extended Repayment Plans
- Graduated Repayment Plans
- Student Loan Repayment Calculator