Achieving and maintaining a good credit score is essential to maintaining your financial freedom. It allows you to get credit more easily and at more favorable rates. But many people are thwarted from doing this by all the myths and misconceptions that are out there about credit scores.
I talked about this in Episode 149, but in my research I found a dozen more that are out there spreading "fake news" about what can help or harm your score. So let's dispel them right now.
In this episode you will learn:
- 12 Credit Card Myths to Disbelieve
- The Truth Behind the Myths
- How to Spot a Credit Repair Scammer
- the Importance of Setting Short Term Financial goals
Links & Resources
- Don't believe these 8 common credit score myths (CNN)
- 11 Credit Myths: Don't Fall For Them! (Experian)
- Credit Score Myths Debunked (CNBC)
- Do Credit Repair Compnies Really Work? (Wikipedia)
- Is It Worth It to Get a Perfect Credit Score? (BankRate)
- 6 Best Credit Repair Companies of 2020 (Investopedia)
- Best Starter Credit Cards (CNBC)
- Best Credit Cards for College Students (CNBC)
If you enjoyed this episode, you might also like:
- Episode 73: Understanding How Credit & Credit Scores Work
- Episode 149: Busting the Credit Score Myths
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