As with any goal in life, the sooner you start working towards it the better. That is certainly true of attaining financial freedom, since habits established when you are young tend to stick with you, and things like saving for a comfortable retirement are easier if you start tucking money away as soon as possible.
That is why in this episode of the podcast I talk with a personal financial expert who has literally been there, done that, and is now spreading the word to others in an effort to, in more ways than one, share the wealth. She is a millennial speaking to millennials, who knows what she is talking about, and I encourage you to listen to what she has to say.
In this episode you will:
- Meet Erin Lowry and learn of her journey
- Discover how money lessons learned early in life are critical to success as an adult
- Learn how her book, Broke Millennial, can help you Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together
- Find out about her financial "Boot Camp"
Links & Resources
- Get Your Financial Life Together Bootcamp
- Broke Millennial Book
- Connect with Erin Lowry
- Twitter: @BrokeMillennial
- Facebook:
- Instagram: BrokeMillennialBlog